空间认知 2024
2024「空间认知」 跨学科国际研讨会系列之(三)
The Future of the Vernacular & Architecture Without Architects: Then and Now
时间 :2024年5月23日(周四) 19:00 - 21:15
地点 :深圳大学本原讲堂

黄印武 | Yinwu HUANG
Associate Professor and
Head of Deppartment of Architecture,
School of Design Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Director, Shaxi Center for Rural Cooperation
Yinwu HUANG has been leading the Shaxi Rehabilitation Project in Yunnan since 2003. His work focuses on teaching, research and practice in architectural design, heritage conservation and sustainable rural development.
/ 演讲题目 /
The Future of the Vernacular
Vernacular is not only a place, pointing to a life and culture, but also a spiritual sustenance. The localization and natural defects of vernacular materials determine the limitations of vernacular construction, and the trial and error of craftsmen's experience determines the deep-rootedness of tradition. In the midst of unstoppable industrialization, vernacular societies are beginning to disintegrate and vernacular architecture is declining. Based on the multi-dimensional vernacular construction practices, the lecture will discuss the contemporary significance and look into the future of the vernacular.

林君翰 | John Chunhan LIN
Proffessor, Department of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong
Director, Rural Urban Framework at HKUrban Lab
2005 年,当中国政府宣布计划到 2030 年将剩余的 7 亿农村人口中的一半城镇化时,林君翰教授开始关注农村社区的项目,并认识到村庄处于城市化进程的前沿。他与非政府组织、政府机构和其他研究人员合作,共同资助和建设具有社会影响力的项目。
他最近出版的《如是之屋:中国乡村自建房故事(As Found Houses)》一书记录了农村自建房者对其传统住宅进行改造的创新方式。这些案例研究构成了他当前设计和教学的研究背景:尝试将工业和手工艺建筑技术、农村和城市环境、传统和现代生活方式相结合的新方法。他的目标不仅是影响学术界或专业界,而且要积极参与和推动规模更大的日常建筑领域。最近,《如是之屋》 荣获英国皇家建筑师学会(RIBA)2021 年度研究主席奖章。
In 2005 when the Chinese government announced its plan to urbanize half of the remaining 700 million rural citizens by 2030 he began to focus on projects with rural communities, recognizing that the village is at the frontlines of the urbanization process. He works collaboratively with NGOs, government organizations and other researchers to collectively fund and build socially impactful projects.
His recently published book As Found Houses (ORO Editions 2021) documents the unexpectedly innovative ways that rural self-builders adapt, modify, graft, cleave, and wrap their traditional dwellings. These case studies form the research context for his current design and teaching: experimenting with new ways to combine industrial and handicraft building techniques, rural and urban contexts, traditional and contemporary ways of living. His ambition is not only to impact academia or the profession, but to actively participate in and contribute to the vastly larger field of everyday architecture. Recently As Found Houses was awarded the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) President’s Medal for Research 2021.
/ 演讲题目 /
Architecture Without Architects: Then and Now
讲者感兴趣的是我们能从非建筑师那里学到什么,无论是传统的可持续生活方式,还是从自建房者 "无师自通的想象力 "中得到的启发。因为归根结底,如果建筑师要在塑造建成环境的未来议程中发挥作用,我们就需要考虑如何影响大多数并非由我们设计的建筑。
“What is the role of the architect for the future?”
In the midst of political, technological, and environmental transformation, this is the question to ask. Preconceptions are being overturned – including our understanding of globalization. Our desire for a sustainable future means we must work harder at collective action. The current worldwide financial situation demands us to imagine new ways to fund, develop and construct buildings. Faced with so many problems and uncertainties, our construction industry needs new focus – perhaps on how to re-use or recycle more, innovative and local material solutions, ways to learn from vernacular ways of building and how to utilize the latest fabrication technology so it leads to greater collective engagement. As we grapple with these unprecedented new challenges, Perhaps the main question today is not only what to build, but how to build and why we build.
The speaker interested in what we can learn from non-architects, either from traditional ways of living sustainably or being inspired by the “un-tutored imagination” of the self-builder. Because ultimately, if architects will have a role in shaping the future agenda of the built environment, we need to consider how to impact the majority of buildings not designed by us.

朱雄毅 | Xiongyi ZHU
Deputy Chief Architect, CCDI Group
Principal Architect, Dongxiying Studio

刘珩 | Doreen Heng LIU
Distinguished Professor of Shenzhen Univeristy
Director of GBA LabFounder and Principal of NODE Architecture & Urbanism