
Christian J. Lange
Christian J. Lange 是一名注册的德国建筑师,目前担任香港大学建筑系副教授(教学),教授建筑设计以及高级数字建模和机器人制造课程,最近的研究重点是人工智能。他同时担任材料与制造技术实验室的主任,并且是机器人制造实验室的创始人和负责人——这是一个国际知名的建筑机器人制造、原型设计和施工研究环境。他的工作和研究成果在国际上发表,并在全球30多个展览中展出,包括威尼斯双年展和深港城市\建筑双城双年展。
Christian J. Lange is a registered German architect and Associate Professor (Teaching) in the Department of Architecture at The University of Hong Kong, where he teaches architectural design and classes in advanced digital modeling and robotic fabrication with a recent focus on AI. He serves as Director of the Fabrication and Material Technologies Lab and is the founder and leader of the Robotic Fabrication Lab – an internationally renowned research environment for architectural robotic fabrication, prototyping, and construction. His work and research have been published internationally and featured in over 30 exhibits worldwide, including the Venice Biennale and the Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-city Biennale of Urbanism and Architecture.
From Standard to Non-Standard Standards:New modes of production in Architecture
In Architecture, the concept of standardization has had a profound impact on the built environment. In a sense, standardization has been the essence of all economic developments and rapid urbanization since the early 20th century. However, computational tools and CAD/CAM methods developed in the past two decades have given architects a loophole to escape the mandate for standardization. Robotic fabrication and 3D printing are the latest ingredients in the modern toolbox of an architect, promising the world more specificity for the same price. The next big thing is already on the horizon. AI has emerged at light speed as a powerful new tool out of nowhere and is here to stay to shake up the world of Architecture as we know it. This lecture explores this transformation from standard solutions to a world that might give a renaissance to arts and crafts with a digital twist. Drawing from personal research conducted at the Robotic Fabrication Lab at HKU, the presentation delves into innovative projects that depart from traditional standardization approaches and try to offer new solutions with the aim towards non-standard Standards.