第十四届国际中国规划学会(International Association for China Planning, IACP)年会将于2020年12月5日-13日在线召开。会议由国际中国规划学会和深圳大学联合主办,建筑与城市规划学院承办,深圳市城市规划学会/协会、深规院协办。
* 会议即日开始注册,注册方法和政策请见下方,尽早注册,可享受优惠。
* 受到新冠肺炎疫情的影响,本次年会届时将以网络会议的形式举行。
* 会议将在Bilibili平台全程直播,免费听会,注册者则可以和嘉宾进行互动,参与讨论。
国际中国规划学会 |
主席:董宏伟(加州州立大学弗雷斯诺分校) 联合主席:郑思齐(麻省理工学院);权纪戈(首尔大学);焦峻峰(德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校) 联系方式:iacp2020@hotmail.com |
深圳大学 |
主席:郭仁忠 副主席:范悦 杨晓春 黄正东 执行委员:王浩峰、乐阳、张艳、辜智慧、朱文健、李云、涂伟、刘倩、邵亦文 联系方式:iacpconference2020@126.com |
How to Register
Fill out the Registration Form: http://www.china-planning.org/form/conference/
IACP Conference Registration website will be open on September 05, 2020. The deadline of advanced registration is October 15, 2020.
Please contact IACP at IACP2020@hotmail.com regarding general issues on conference registration.
Please contact Shenzhen University at iacpconference2020@126.com regarding issues on conference fee payment and invoices for conference participants from China (mainland).
The working language for the IACP conference is English.
You can find the schedule at a glance (draft, subject to change) via the link: http://www.china-planning.org/alpha/2020/07/09/schedule-at-a-glance-%e6%97%a5%e7%a8%8b%e4%b8%80%e8%a7%88/
The conference venue will be fully online. We will provide more detailed instructions on how to participate in the meeting online.
Applications for the following five awards are open: 2020 IACP Karen R. Polenske Best Student Paper Award; 2020 IACP Best Student Paper Award; 2020 IACP Best Presentation Award; 2020 IACP Distinguished Service Award; 2020 IACP Rising Scholar Award; and 2020 Economic Approach in Urban Sustainability Studies Award.
Conference Registration Policy
The schedule of fees is listed below. In order to claim membership benefits for the conference this year, the membership fee must be paid before February 1 of this year. Please visit our membership status query website to check your membership status: http://www.china-planning.org/form/membership/status.php
The key benefits include discounted registration fees and eligibility for IACP’s student awards and grants.

*1 Oversea includes those attendees who work/study outside of China (mainland).
*2 Member refers to the one who has membership paid by February 1, 2020. Please check the membership information and payment methods at the IACP membership status query website.
* The Conference will NOT schedule presentation for participants who register after November 15, 2020.
Reimbursements of conference registration fee: Prior to November 15 of this year, full reimbursements will be granted, less a 20% administrative fee. No reimbursements will be granted after November
Payment Methods for Participants outside of China (mainland)
You may need to pay your registration fee via Paypal and upload the Paypal receipt as a proof of payment.
Payment Methods for Participants from China (mainland)
Conference participants from China (mainland) pay their registration fee to our local host Shenzhen University. You can wire/transfer your registration fee to the bank account listed below.
账号:7510 6834 9676
You are also required to complete a short survey (copy-paste the following link to your internet browser: https://wj.qq.com/s2/7071549/d2d0) so your payment can be appropriated recorded.