讲座时间:2024.3.20 14:00-17:00
讲座主持:李云 副教授 规划系主任
Tomoya Kaji 鍛冶智也
Tomoya Kaji had finished Ph.D. program in public administration . He is now professor of urban management at Meiji Gakuin University(明治学院大学). He has taught at Princeton University as a visiting fellow and Hope College as an invited professor in the U.S. and served several government agencies and many institutes including National Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism(国土交通省), Tokyo Metropolitan Government(東京都), Association of Tokyo Boroughs (特別区協議会) and DESA at United Nations(国際連合本部開発支援管理局) as a consultant and a professional advisor.
Tomoya Kaji(鍛冶智也)完成了公共管理博士课程。现在是日本明治学院大学的城市管理教授,曾作为客座研究员在普林斯顿大学任教、作为特邀教授在美国希望学院任教,曾作为顾问为多个政府机构和研究机构服务,包括国土交通省、东京都政府、东京自治团体协会和联合国经社部。
91% of the residents in Tokyo Metropolitan area take trains and/or subways for commuting to working places and schools. Including daytime transfer, 70% of the residents use trains to get into the city center. Why is it high rate? The large portion of revenue of railway companies depend upon other businesses such as housing, commercial, entertainment than transit fare. There are several reasons why many residents depend upon public transit for commuting in the Tokyo Metro region. Public transit structure and regional policies of Tokyo will be examined.