时间: 4月21日 下午4:00
地点: 建筑与城市规划学院C205报告厅
演讲主题: 五步提升城市品质
Topic: Changing Cities in 5 steps
演讲嘉宾: Kristian Skovbakke Villadsen 盖尔建筑事务所合伙人,哥本哈根大学客座教授
主持: 黄大田 深圳大学建筑与城市规划学院副院长
主办单位: 深圳大学建筑与城市规划学院
支持单位: 能源基金会
讲座以英文进行 提供中文翻译
China is undergoing the fastest urbanization known to man, but little has been done to understand the impact on the daily life of people. What will happen if all the data available is about traffic volume and square meters, and none of the data is about quality of life and the relationship between life and urban form?
What will happen to green mobility, health, social inclusion and local economy, if when the building of new streets is replaces by large scale roads - streets traditionally being the primary public space for meetings in the local communities, the space that allows people to walk and bike to public transport, work, schools and daily destinations and the start-up for local businesses?
What will happen to our quality of life if endless commutes are a reality, because new built areas are planned so they won’t work as independent cities, but only as single functions connected to the existing cities by large scale infrastructure?
Most importantly, what will happen with China’s ambitious vision for sustainable and livable cities, if the planning process, organization and policy are not aligned with the vision?
Since 2008 the collaboration between Energy Foundation, China Sustainable Transport Centre and Gehl has pushed to understand the link between changes to the physical environment and the impact on sustainability, livability and quality of life in Chinese cities. These newly developed data sets and pilot cases have been generated to enable local people, planners and politicians to succeed with implementing the vision of a livable and sustainable future for Chinese cities.